

Was a course you were hoping to take full? Take a deep breath – we offer a 候补名单 option. While this doesn’t guarantee you’ll be able to take the course you wanted, 你可以去排队.


Automated 候补名单ing lets you add yourself to a 候补名单 for a class that’s full (见  等待学生帮助表 for instructions on how to do so through Ursa). 不是所有的课程都有候补名单 option. If a spot opens up, we’ll send you an email in Bear Mail according to your 候补名单上的位置. Once you receive that email, you’ll have 24 hours to 注册 这堂课 – if you do not take action with the 24 hour period, you’ll be dropped from the 候补名单 and the open seat will be available to the next person on the 候补名单.


  • Waitlist is based on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Waitlist holds a spot in line should a seat become available – it does not guarantee 教室里的一个座位.
  • You’ll receive an automatic notification via Bear Mail once a seat becomes available – so make sure to check your Bear Mail frequently!
  • If notified, you’ll have a 24-hour time limit, starting when the email was sent, to 注册. You are not automatically enrolled in the course.
  • If you do not 注册 within 24 hours, you will 他被从候补名单上除名了 and 下一个学生将被通知.
  • Waitlist is available up to the last day to add a class in Ursa; regular late-add procedures will apply after this point.
  • Not all courses will make a 候补名单 available.
  • Any registration restrictions such as holds, prerequisites, co-requisites, cohorts, 时间冲突等. will still apply before being able to add yourself to a 候补名单.
  • You cannot 候补名单 for a different section of a course you are already 注册ed for, nor can you 候补名单 for more than one section of the same course.
